Choi, Jeong-Mo 사진
Choi, Jeong-Mo
Position or Degree
Associate Professor
Tell Number
+82-51-510-2216 (O)
Physical chemistry (Biophysical chemistry, Protein interactions, Protein evolution, Protein design, Theory and simulation)

■ Education

2016, Ph.D. in Chemistry, Harvard University (Advisor: Eugene I. Shakhnovich)

2015, A.M. in History of Science, Harvard University (Advisor: Naomi Oreskes)

2011, B.S. in Chemistry and Physics, KAIST (Advisor: Yoon Sup Lee)



2020-, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Pusan National University

2019-2020, Research Assistant Professor, Natural Science Research Institute, KAIST

2016-2019, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis (Supervisor: Rohit V. Pappu)


Research Interests

Physical chemistry of living systems

Biological applications of statistical physics

Molecular modeling and design


Selected Publications (as of Sep 2020; * denotes co-first authors and denotes (co-)corresponding authors)

1. S Han*, YN Kim*, G Jo, YE Kim, HM Kim, JM Choi, Y Jung, “Multivalent Interaction-Driven Assembly of Discrete, Flexible, and Asymmetric Supramolecular Protein Nano-Prisms,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, in press


2. JM Choi, AS Holehouse, RV Pappu, “Physical Principles Underlying the Complex Biology of Intracellular Phase Transitions,” Annual Review of Biophysics 49: 107-133 (2020)

3. JM Choi,* F Dar,* RV Pappu, “LASSI: A Lattice Model for Simulating Phase Transitions of Multivalent Proteins,” PLOS Computational Biology 15 (10): e1007028 (2019)

4. JM Choi, RV Pappu, “Improvements to the ABSINTH Forcefield for Proteins Based on Experimentally Derived Amino-Acid Specific Backbone Conformational Statistics,” Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 15 (2): 1367-1382 (2019)


5. JM Choi, RV Pappu, “Experimentally Derived and Computationally Optimized Backbone Conformational Statistics for Blocked Amino Acids,” Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 15 (2): 1355-1366 (2018)

6. J Wang, JM Choi, AS Holehouse, HO Lee, X Zhang, M Jahnel, S Maharana, R Lemaitre, A Pozniakovsky, D Drechsel, I Poser, RV Pappu, S Alberti, AA Hyman, “A Molecular Grammar Governing the Driving Forces for Phase Separation of Prion-like RNA Binding Proteins,” Cell 174 (3): 688-699 (2018)

7. JM Choi, AI Gilson, EI Shakhnovich, “Graph's Topology and Free Energy of a Spin Model on the Graph,” Physical Review Letters 118: 088302 (2017)

8. S Bershtein,* JM Choi,* S Bhattacharyya, B Budnik, E Shakhnovich, “Systems-Level Response to Point Mutations in a Core Metabolic Enzyme Modulates Genotype-Phenotype Relationship,” Cell Reports 11 (4): 645-656 (2015)